Station #6 - Jesus Is Nailed To The Cross
Read: Mark 15: 23-32
Reflect: Jesus doesn’t just endure the pain of being crucified, he also faces awful verbal abuse from his oppressors and Jewish teachers and pharisees. He is taunted and mocked by his own people! His own words and actions are now used against him. How utterly alone and betrayed Jesus must have felt.
Have you ever felt betrayed by those you would consider your own? Alienated by people’s words and actions? What comes up for you when you consider that Jesus knows what this feels like too? Can you tell him about your experiences?
Pray: Jesus, it is devastating that you suffered in this way. But I find some comfort in knowing that you know what it is to feel alone and betrayed. When I am feeling abandoned by those I thought were my own, please give me your presence, comfort, and strength. Amen.