Partner in Your Passion

Find items here that match your passions to give generously beyond regular tithes and offerings. To contribute some or all of the amount needed for one of the items below, click on the associated orange link.

The Well

Consistent and Immediate needs that help our church thrive in our mission every day.

We all have basic needs. Rent, food, transportation, childcare costs, etc. So does a church! People need to make a living. Things break and need to be replaced. Rent needs to get paid.

For those costs, we encourage you to add resources to the Well from which we can draw for these immediate and consistent needs.


$30,000 - As our kids and youth ministry is growing, this ministry is vital for the formation of our kids and the growth of the church. This 30k covers a part time Director, curriculum, toys, snacks, and occasional events.

$10,000 - The good news of Jesus needs to be both show and tell. This money goes to buy supplies for beautification days, backpacks for kids from low income families at the school, gifts of love for school staff, Boxes of Love Thanksgiving give away.

$4,000 - Do you like donuts and coffee? So do we. But more importantly, so do our brand new visitors who are walking into church for the very first time. Help us help them feel at home. Not only are the snacks and drinks covered here, but also table collateral and gifts for guests to help them connect more deeply at Tapestry.

$5,200 - We want our volunteers that setup and tear down our worship space every week to be and feel appreciated! And satiated. Most of them miss breakfast to get to Tapestry early. So we provide breakfast burritos to honor their service.

$20,000 - We were made to worship God. This budget helps us create vibrant, biblically grounded and contextually sensitive worship through stipends for artists, equipment replacements and additions, gatherings for the worship team to maintain unity, mutuality and solidarity as they lead our multiracial congregation together.

$29,000 - This covers our rent for the school where we meet for worship, our offices where our staff works together, counsels, preps for Sunday and hosts groups, and the insurance costs for both spaces.

$12,000 - The best thing we do all year to build unity and relationships in our multiracial church. We subsidize this heavily to make sure it’s affordable for everyone in these hard times. This number represents the shortfall we expect this year between expenses and registration fees collected.

$170,000 - Last year we spent a deficit budget in an effort to build our team and grow the impact of Tapestry Church. Our church has grown 2x since then, but giving takes time to catch up. Help us address this steep shortfall and keep our balance sheet healthy.


The Overflow

Aspirational Goals for 2025

Every person has things they would love to do if they had a little extra to improve how they live and love. So do we! Just like you might want to upgrade to a two-bedroom, or redo your kitchen, or host parties for your friends, or go on that vacation, we have ideas that will help the church thrive that don’t currently fit into the budget.

If you are passionate about any of the following, we’d be so grateful for you to give to these above and beyond needs.


$400,000 - We have recently put in a proposal on a building in East Oakland! It’s going to cost a minimum of 200-300k to renovate it after our proposed purchase price of $100,000. Help us get to our goal and avoid taking a 7.5%-9% loan to accomplish this!

$25,000 - Every organization needs administration. We lost our operations coordinator and cannot at this time afford to rehire for that position. However, it is crucial that our operations remain sound without overburdening our pastors. This position will help us use our gifts where they are most effective!

$5,000 - We pride ourselves on having not just a diverse team, but also a healthy one. Help us get away to dream, pray, play and plan together.

$10,000 - Right now, our staff cobbles together our social media. It’s also the place where most people find out about Tapestry Church. Help us connect with more people in Oakland and share the good news of what God is doing at Tapestry.