Matching Grant Opportunity


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We have great news! Tapestry has been chosen for a $35,000 matching grant by Transforming the Bay With Christ and the Stratum Foundation! It is a 1-1 matching grant, so for every $1 you give, Stratum will match it. Our goal is to match it twice: Once from within Tapestry Church, and once from partners who support Tapestry from a distance.

If we’re successful we’ll raise a total of $105,000 through this grant.

What does this mean for Tapestry?

We are grateful.

The faith that TBC has put in our church is really encouraging, with everything that has gone on this year. The qualities listed for churches to qualify for a grant are ones we aspire to as a church, and it’s a joy for Tapestry to be recognized in this way.

We are emboldened.

This grant, and the opportunities for ministry in Jesus’ name that it represents, emboldens us to keep pushing forward for God’s glory.

Here’s How you Can Help!

Give Online

Click the appropriate button above, depending on whether you attend Tapestry Church (Click the ORANGE button) or are a friend/church who supports Tapestry Church (Click the GREEN button).

Give by Check

Checks can be sent to:

Stratum Foundation

220 Halleck St. Suite 100b

San Francisco, CA 94129

Physical checks should be made out to “Stratum Foundation” with the name “Tapestry Church” in the memo line. This is absolutely critical for donations to be accounted for properly.

Need Help Giving Stocks, CryptoCurrency, or From a Donor Advised Fund?

We can help you through that process. Please send Pastor Kyle an email and he can point you in the right direction.


We are so grateful we can partner together in God’s work through Tapestry Church!