We have a (new) location!

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We are so grateful to announce that starting June 3rd at 10:30am, we will be meeting for worship at Learning Without Limits elementary school at 2035 40th Ave in the Fruitvale neighborhood of Oakland! There are so many things we love about the space itself and the way it suits our church's needs. But what we are really excited about is the opportunity to partner with a school that cares so deeply about its students. The vision statement of LWL, which the whole school says together every morning, is:

"We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us as we grow into leaders, who are passionate and care about making our world better. We are equipped with skills and knowledge, filled with curiosity and we know that even when we face challenges, we will achieve!"

What a vision for each young child's life in our community. 

We are also excited because we see God's fingerprints all over this space. For example, as we were walking around the campus, we were introduced to a few teachers who excitedly told us that they have been praying for people like us to show up at LWL.  

We cannot wait to see what God has in store for us in the Fruitvale, and we give thanks for his incredible provision as we strive to follow him where he leads. 

Kyle Brooks