Finding The Beauty In Your Own Story
This weekend, I found myself sitting at my desk with a pile of my old journals, the Photos app open on my laptop, and a notepad out attempting, rather nostalgically, to get down on paper the timeline of my life over the last six years - the experiences I’ve had, the people I’ve met, the places I’ve been. As I wrote down dates and event sequences, noted down when I had met different people, and been to specific places, what began as a practical task in trying to order and record my memories and encounters, turned into a rather spiritual experience. I found myself discovering and being reminded of the extraordinary ways that God has been working and weaving a golden thread of beauty throughout the events, the pain and suffering, the celebrations and blessings, the hardship and the growth of my life.
God is weaving a golden thread of beauty throughout our stories. We don’t always see it in the moment; often we doubt that there is any beauty to be found in the painful events of our lives; sometimes we’re so focused on the ugliness of pain that we ignore the Spirit’s invitation to notice the beauty. More often than not, we needed time-distance from experiences in order to recognize the beauty of God’s never-failing presence or the transformation and growth that we experience when we are connected and at peace with God, and others. But when we do see it, the beauty offers us hope, encouragement, and peace.
This year at Tapestry we are seeking to recognize, and celebrate the golden thread of beauty that God has woven throughout our neighborhoods, and join in Him in continuing to weave it. Our ability to see the beauty, celebrate it, and join in creating it in our neighborhoods, is shaped and empowered by our seeking to see and celebrate the beauty God has created and is continuing to create in our own lives. Tapestry would love to be with you on the journey of discovering that beauty.